The first Crimson PCBs were power amplifier modules manufactured during the years 1976 to 1989 . These were built and tested and were aimed at amateur constructors . However, a great number were used in industrial applications. Output devices were two type T03.
It was produced in variants CE 608, CE1004, CE1008, CE1704 and CE1708.
The CE608 and CE 1004 were for +/- 35V and were intended for 8 Ohm, 4 Ohms loads respectively
The CE1008 and CE1704 were for +/- 45 Volts and intended for 8 Ohm, 4 Ohms loads respectively
The CE1708 was for +/- 60V and intended for 8 Ohms load.
Dimensions 123mm (from heatsink end), 80mm wide 28mm high. Fixings are two M4 clearance holes on 35mm centres.